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21 February 2025

QI Snapshot: Luton Falls Prevention - Strength and Balance Programme

What is a QI Snapshot?

Our QI Snapshots provide a quick bite-sized summary from some of the teams we've assisted. Read below for a quick take on how the Luton Falls Service - Falls Prevention Program was built. 

Improvement Name: Luton Falls Prevention - Strength and Balance Programme

Team Members: Claire McIntyre & Oyebimpe
Date: January 2024

Deep Dive:

In 2021, a gap analysis revealed deficiencies in Luton's falls services, notably the absence of NICE-recommended strength and balance training for individuals at risk of falls. A proposal addressing these gaps was successfully incorporated into a business case, securing additional resources and skilled staffing. 

Problem: Luton faced a challenge with limited intervention options for those at risk of falls, notably, the absence of a falls group programme recommended by evidence and NICE guidelines. Communication gaps existed between the falls services, hindering the patient pathway. 


  • Establish a Luton-based Falls, Strength and Balance program, aligning with evidence and NICE Guidelines.
  • Improve communication and collaboration between falls services to ensure a seamless patient pathway for effective risk assessment and intervention. 


The design and implementation of our falls program were informed by key strategies to help shape transformative initiatives. 

Personas for comprehensive understanding: Enhanced falls project vision by guiding venue selection and process mapping for strength and balance classes. 

Co-production and patient engagement: Engaged with the community for reflections, involved patients in quality assurance, and utilised their insights for transformative opportunities. 


After launching the Strength and Balance classes in the summer, a team workshop facilitated a retrospective exercise. It provided an opportunity to reflect on the journey, celebrate successes, and gather staff insights.

The session fostered open and honest discussions, deepening our understanding of the program's impact and guiding future improvements. Following the workshop, an improvement plan was established, encompassing staff skill development, rota efficiency and streamlining the pathway for enhanced effectiveness.  

Oyebimpe's personal account: 
"Embarking on the new Strength and Balance classes presented a learning curve for the team, enhancing skills in exercises, group management, and education delivery. A reflective workshop provided valuable insights, fostering teamwork and personal growth. Witnessing patient transformations and collaborating with partners added positive dimensions to the experience." 

What did we achieve? 

Two 8-week community Falls group programs conducted at local community centres:
Includes strength and balance exercises and education on falls prevention. 

Three -Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) Therapists:
1 Occupational Therapist and 2 Physiotherapists.
Bringing skills and knowledge for implementing strength and balance exercises. 

Enhanced coordination and communication:
Team can now directly refer to L&D Falls clinic. 
Monthly partnership meetings established.
Conduct monthly Falls Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meetings with falls consultant.

Staff Skill Development:
Staff fostering professional growth and proficiency in falls prevention strategies and interventions. 


The team will continue to work through the improvement plan, making quality changes where identified. Further checkpoints are to be established for that continuous learning journey. Explore more patient feedback opportunities to ensure we are capturing patient stories. 

Lessons learnt:
It is important to stop and re-evaluate your improvement change - asking your team if it is working, what could be better and what can we do more of. Engaging with patient partners as much as possible for that lived experience and feedback. 

You can find more information about the Luton Falls Prevention Programme and their QI snapshot below. 

Download the full Snapshot here

If you'd like to dive into examples of projects that the Improvement & Transformation team have assisted with, head to our Case Studies and Snapshots page for inspiration. 

Case Studies and Snapshots

Last reviewed:

21 February, 2025

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